Supporting the development of Greater Geneva

  • Mobilité Active
  • Véhicule Industriel

A 51% subsidiary of RATP Dev and 49% of Transports Publics Genevois, Transports Publics de l’Agglomération d’Annemasse (TP2A) operates the urban transport network of the Annemasse conurbation (twelve communes in Haute-Savoie) and cross-border links with Geneva.

Known as TAC Mobilités (Transports Annemassiens Collectifs), this multimodal network has been operated since 2002 by the RATP group and offers:

9 bus routes, including the TANGO high service level bus route, which provides a 15-minute link between the Altéa and Jean Monnet park-and-ride sites, as well as two Sunday routes.

A transport-on-demand service that can be booked in advance

Proxi’TAC: allows passengers to travel to areas of the region that are not served by a regular TAC line.

Handi’TAC: enables people with reduced mobility who are unable to use the network’s regular lines to travel within the area.

A VéloTAC hire service at the Point.Vélo located at the Maison de la Mobilité et du Tourisme (Mobility and Tourism Centre)

2 secure bike parks, accessible 24 hours a day, in front of Annemasse station.

Since 2002, the year of its first public service delegation contract, TP2A has extended bus operating hours from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. and opened two additional cross-border BRT (Bus à Haut Niveau de Service) lines, Tango 1 and 2.

Renewed for the second time in 2015, the new contract provides for the development of a comprehensive mobility offer and a multimodal network integrated into Greater Geneva, the Franco-Vaud-Geneva conurbation.

On 15 December 2019, it’s revolution time!

Three major projects will see the light of day:

The transformation of the Tango 1 and 2 BRT lines into a single Tango BRT line, running every 10 minutes at peak times. This will link the two park-and-ride sites in the conurbation

the extension of line 17 of the Geneva tramway to Annemasse

the creation of the Léman Express, a cross-border RER linking the two towns in around twenty minutes.

In terms of services, a new commercial approach has been launched with the opening of a Mobility and Tourism Centre in December 2018. In January 2019, RATP Dev’s 1st Maas application was launched. It is regularly enhanced with new features.

A year later, TAC is launching its ticketing solution on the new-generation Oùra card (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional card).

To be included in the catalogue:
Operation and maintenance of the TAC network

TP2A, operator of the TAC network, is a subsidiary of RATP Dev and helps to keep road traffic flowing and transport passengers in the best possible conditions on a daily basis.

In collaboration with the town halls and Annemasse Agglo, the TAC network proposes the creation of lanes dedicated to public transport. There are almost 4 kilometres of bus-only lanes on the network.
They save you time and improve access to public transport in the city. The city breathes easier and you save time!
Transport-on-demand service / Long-term hire service for electric bikes, standard bikes and scooters.