Join CARA network

Projects never stand alone

Join CARA network, is to join 420 members: manufacturers, transport operators, universities, research and training centres – VSEs, SMEs, ETIs, Groups.

Our initiatives focus on innovation in passenger and freight transport systems.

From the drawing board to market launch, CARA implements collective actions to support its members on all the value chain: research and innovation projects, pilots in real life situation, and measures for the economic and industrial development of its members.

Why join CARA ?

  • Integrate an innovation dynamic for your R&D and experimentation projects
  • Access to the transport and mobility network
  • Participate to international fairs
  • Access to strategic information about mobility topics
  • Pooling ressources and skills

Our members

  1. Benefit from support for your projects, from the idea to the market launch
  2. Take advantage of our extensive network (manufacturers, transport operators, research and training centres, local authorities)
  3. Promote your innovations by communicating your projects
  4. Develop your business on the European and International market

Vous souhaitez adhérer ?

Remplissez le formulaire de demande d'adhésion ci-dessous. Nos équipes se chargeront d'étudier votre demande et vous recontacteront dans les plus brefs délais.

Membership subscription
Your enterprise
Your informations

Les adhésions au réseau CARA sont soumises à validation auprès de notre Bureau, composé du Président et des Vice-Président de l'association.