MobiDataLab project
MobiDataLab : Labs for prototyping future Mobility Data sharing cloud solutions – Experiments on new mobility data sharing solutions in the cloud

The actors of the project
The MobiDataLab project is coordinated by AKKA Technologies, a European leader in engineering consulting and R&D services in the mobility sectors. AKKA is leading the prototyping work on the Cloud solution for transport data. AKKA is surrounded by 9 European partners:
- Interuniversity Consortium for Optimization and Operation Research – ICOOR (Italie): Scientific expertise in technical and socio-economic analysis.
- AETHON ENGINEERING – AETHON (Grèce) : Technical input and development of a virtual laboratory.
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR (Italie) : Technical input on data processing in the cloud.
- KISIO Digital – KISIO (France) : Contribution of its transport data application ( and management of operational activities.
- HERE Technologies – HERE (Pays-Bas) : Contribution of solutions on spatial data.
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili – URV (Espagne) : Scientific expertise on the protection of private data (UNESCO Chair).
- KU Leuven – KUL (Belgique) : Legal and regulatory assessments.
- POLIS Association Internationale – POLIS (Belgique) : Engagement of Smart Cities stakeholders around the project.
- F6S Network Ireland – F6S (Irlande) : Building ecosystems of SMEs and start-ups around the project.
What is the MobiDataLab project?
MobiDataLab is based on a continuous co-development of knowledge and technical solutions for data sharing, with a strong involvement of all data producers and consumers in the transport and mobility landscape. This broad ecosystem includes many stakeholders such as cities, metropolises, transport system operators, users, etc.
In order to foster a culture of data sharing in Europe, the project will set up an open, incremental knowledge base and a prototype cloud for transport. Three innovation sessions (datathon, hackaton and codagon) will also be organised to bring the project to life. Through these actions, MobiDataLab aims to provide mobility authorities with recommendations on how to improve the value of their data and open up new market opportunities.
Where will the R&D work be carried out?
The R&D work will be spread over the 7 European countries where the different partners come from. The three innovation sessions (datathon, hackaton and “codagon”) will be organised in Europe, in locations that have yet to be defined.
As far as AKKA is concerned, the R&D work will be carried out at the AKKA Research site in Toulouse (31).
When does the MobiDataLab project start?
The project was launched on 1 February 2021 for a period of 3 years.
A first version of the Cloud for Transport prototype is planned for mid-2022.
A second version, based on feedback from users during the innovation sessions, will be delivered in early 2024.
Why this project?
The project covers a number of critical issues for the transport sector, both for passengers and for freight. Firstly, we are witnessing an acceleration of the digital transformation in this sector, which is generating imbalances in terms of access to and valorisation of transport data, both for transport companies and for cities and users. The emergence of open data favours the appearance of new entrants in terms of mobility services but sometimes generates conflicts in terms of data use (for example the conflict between the RATP and the Citymapper application).
The expected impacts of the project are the following:
To consolidate knowledge from the most important projects and initiatives implemented to date in the field of transport data sharing at European level. This knowledge base will allow the identification of new variables, requirements and standards necessary for the effective implementation of data sharing and valorisation mechanisms in the transport sector (passenger and freight).
To develop the tools to extract maximum value from available transport data, to contribute to wider data sharing among transport stakeholders and to lead to improved products and services. This will lead to a better understanding and grasp of the possibilities for predicting and optimising transport flows, which in turn will improve the efficiency of the transport system.
Strengthen, through these tools, the digital transport ecosystem by fostering a culture of trust and collaboration between the different stakeholders (data providers, transport companies, communities, users, etc.).
It is also expected to have a number of impacts in terms of value creation and market opportunities for the different types of companies:
- Data providers: Establish new ways of adding value to data, via dedicated “marketplaces” that allow data providers to be securely connected to an ecosystem of start-ups offering new services.
- Transport companies: Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of data that will allow transport companies to develop their own solutions and solve problems in terms of passenger flow management or logistics.
- Consulting and engineering company: Enabling players such as AKKA to expand their offer in the field of digital transformation for mobility services. This will generate additional revenue by providing services to transport companies and local authorities.
Environmental and societal impacts are also expected and will be studied within the framework of the project, notably
- The reduction of CO2 emissions that can be achieved through the optimisation of transport flows
- Increased user satisfaction with transport services (journey times, speed and accessibility of transport, etc.)
How will the actors do this?
The MobiDataLab project has received €3 million in funding from the European Commission. It was supported by the CARA competitiveness cluster, which provided a letter of interest in this context.
The whole partnership constitutes a mix of technological and societal knowledge, allowing a complete value chain:
- AKKA, AETHON, CNR and URV provide the scientific and technical basis for the development of the Cloud for Transport prototype
- KISIO and HERE are acting as data providers, in order to interface with the prototype
- ICOOR and KUL bring complementary and critical scientific knowledge to the understanding of business, legal and societal issues
- POLIS, F6S and AETHON will play an important role in engaging all types of stakeholders around the project (cities, transport companies, start-up ecosystems) who will contribute to the thinking around data sharing and will be able to test the prototype
More informations
Consult Mobidatalab web site