CCI LYON METROPOLE Saint-Etienne Roanne

The CCI serves companies in industry, trade and services

The constituency of the CCI LYON METROPOLE Saint-Etienne Roanne covers 537 municipalities of the departments of Rhône and Loire.

The CCI serves companies in industry, trade and services, which represent more than one million jobs and 34% of the territory’s economic weight.

1st mission: to be the spokesman of companies
To represent businesses and traders, to be their spokesman for public authorities.

2nd mission: Support companies, from creation to transmission through all phases of growth and development.

– Creation / recovery / transmission
– Business development
– Human Resources
– Training / Apprenticeship
– Innovation / Sustainable development
– Business intelligence & intelligence
– International
– Financing

3rd mission: To contribute to regional planning decisions and the management of major facilities useful to the development and attractiveness of the Lyon region:

– Lyon airports and Saint-Etienne Loire airport
– Eurexpo
– Banc National d’Epreuve Saint-Etienne
– Museum of Fabrics – Museum of Decorative Arts
– emlyon business school