SERL Group, project catalyst
- Automotive
- Bike & Micromobility
- Cable transport
- Rail
- River and Lake transportation
- Truck and Bus
Since 1957, the SERL group has been developing cities and neighbourhoods in a sustainable way: urban development and renewal – construction of public and private buildings – business parks with services to companies – land and real estate engineering.
Local authorities or private organizations, the SERL group puts all its skills at your service to guarantee the success of your projects.
The SERL Group is above all the guarantee of a recognized operational professionalism and an expanded know-how on projects of all sizes.
The SERL Group formulates adapted responses and innovative solutions to the projects entrusted to it to satisfy the general interest and promote the economic development of your project of territory.
It covers the entire Lyon economic region. It is an essential and unifying actor of the local development strategy.